• Extensive network

    Through our extensive network of retailers, distributors, suppliers and manufacturers, we have access to more than 12,500 stores in Europe in countries such as Germany, France, UK, Austria, The Netherlands., Scandinavia. There is always room for every good product, so let us guide your company for more sales in Europe.

  • Success

    Working together in a good atmosphere, determination, knowledge, expertise and focus is our way of working and we would like to do this every day with your company to achieve your goals. Together we work on your brand and services. We care about your business. We go the extra mile and beyond!

  • Creative team

    With our creative team, we make your business experience with us hassle-free. We like to think along with you and with our proactive attitude and ideas we will ensure that no challenge is too difficult.

Corporate Social Responsibility

We are strongly aware that we have a duty to make the world a better place wherever possible. That is why we work with companies and partners who share these values and who act accordingly.

Sustainable products, good working conditions and respect for all individuals based on dignity and equality. We also work with companies that offer work and opportunities to people who are physically or mentally disabled so that they can participate in society and develop themselves further.